In Liska, one of the holiest places on earth, special moments abound as the deep and blessing-laden prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with the faithful.

In the sacred town of Liska, renowned as one of the holiest places in the world, the profound prayers recited at the tomb of the esteemed tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with deep significance.This prayer asks for recovery for the ailing, wealth for the needy, and harmony and health for the people of Israel and all of humanity. Liska

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A haszid zsidó kozosseg Magyarorszagon

A haszidizmus hívei Magyarországon.A haszidizmus a zsidóság egyik vallási és spirituális irányzata, amely a 18. század közepén keletkezett Kelet-Európában. A mozgalom alapítója, Izrael ben Eliezer, ismertebb nevén Báál Sém Tov, tanításaiban az isteni jelenlét közvetlenségére és az Isten iránti szeretetre helyezte a hangs

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Liska: Where Greatness Finds Its Home

Liska: Where Greatness Finds Its HomeThis was the home and study place of Kerestir Rebbe Steiner Sajele.Rebbe Steiner Sajele of Kerestir studied in Liska at the home of Reb Hershele Friedmann, where he immersed himself in profound Torah knowledge and wisdom. His deep understanding guided him on his significant path of community service.The focal po

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Liska Shomers

Liska ShomersWithin the serene environment of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a man lays bare his emotions, immersing himself in prayer at the grave of the revered Hershel Lisker, Tzvi Hersh Friedman. Out of profound sincerity, he requests a divine miracle of love, hope, and healing to nurture and restore the whole community.In the dignity of prayer, the

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